4 Reasons to use Push Notifications

As a regular behavior, we always recommend to include the ability to send out push notifications into all mobile applications. Ok, for those who doesn't know what is a push notification, here's the answer:  a push notification is the message that appears in your phone when an app wants to take your attention, it is the way an app communicates with the user when the user is not using the app.   


In this post you will find 4 reasons why your APP should include smart push notifications.

1) Push Notifications allow you to market directly to your clients  

If your customers opt in for push notifications, they are essentially providing permission for you to market to them directly.   

2) Push Notifications have a high read rate

Email marketing has a dismal read rate of below 14%. Push notifications have a 50% higher read rate with click-through rates, twice as high!

3) Push Notifications increase retention rate

According to a recent study, it’s shown that push notifications increase the 90 day retention rate by as much as 180%.

4) Push Notifications are cross-platform and cross-device compatible

Nowadays wearables and everyday tech devices are supporting push notifications. Even the fridge and microwave will send push notifications.

So, if you are currently developing an app you should consider adding the ability to send push notifications.

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